I’ve always enjoyed working with wood and I first took up woodturning in 2013 as what I called my “retirement hobby” to ensure that I would have something to occupy myself in my retirement. I retired in 2016 after working for 30 years in the Oil and Gas Industry, the last 20 of which I lived near Aberdeen. Once I had retired we moved back down to my home county of Yorkshire and I now live near Huddersfield. I am a Registered Professional Turner, an AWGB Approved Tutor, a member of the Heritage Craft Association and an active member of the Huddersfield and District Woodturners.
Turning is therapeutic for me, I can go to my workshop, concentrate on my turning and shut everything else out. I enjoy developing my skills and in particular looking at new and different things to make.
Being a member of Huddersfield and District Woodturners enables me to share what I've learned with other enthusiasts and beginners, and learn from them, it’s surprising what ideas someone new to woodturning can come up with!
It would be hard to say what style of turning I have as I'll have a go at anything, I think this is the only way to develop a broad skill base. However, I am currently specialising in Basket Illusion Bowls and Coloured and Lacquered Hollow Forms. I get a lot of enjoyment from learning new skills and creating something that I have not done before. Have a look at the Gallery and Video pages for some examples of my work.
All Rights Reserved - The Crazy Woodman - Colin D Watson RPT